Slides and Assignment on Bloom Filters + Next Lecture Dates
Written on 19.05.2023 15:45 by Sven Rahmann
Good afternoon,
the slides of today's lecture (and some more) are now online, as well as assignment 3 which asks you to visualize the false positive rate of standard vs. blocked Bloom filters. It is due in 2 weeks (on 02.06.).
As for the updated schedule, the plan is to move ahead with the posted schedule on the main page (except that the 12.05. was moved to 19.05.). This means, the next lecture will already be next week (26.05.) and then one more the week after (02.06.). We will continue a bit on Bloom filters (especially their use as k-mer filters!), and then move to hashing, so we can implement key-value stores for k-mers and associated information.