
Title Type Location Serial Start End All Day
Office Hour Office Hour E1 1, 3.06 4 26.11.24 26.11.24 No 
Project 3: Supervised Learning Programming Project 06.01.25 20.01.25 No 
Project 4: Q-Learning Programming Project 20.01.25 03.02.25 No 
Symbolic Planning V: Abstractions & Symbolic Planning VI: Pattern Databases Lecture Günter-Hotz-Hörsaal 28.11.24 28.11.24 No 
Office Hour Office Hour E1 1, 3.06 4 03.12.24 03.12.24 No 
Exam Preparation Lecture E1 3, Lecture Hall 002 06.02.25 06.02.25 No 
ML Basics Lecture Günter-Hotz-Hörsaal 02.12.24 02.12.24 No 
Office Hour Office Hour E1 1, 3.06 4 10.12.24 10.12.24 No 
Demo: The C++ Standard Library Demo E1 3, Lecture Hall 002 05.11.24 05.11.24 No 
Office Hour Office Hour E1 1, 3.06 4 17.12.24 17.12.24 No 
Office Hour Office Hour E1 1, 3.06 5 07.01.25 07.01.25 No 
Office Hour Office Hour E1 1, 3.06 5 14.01.25 14.01.25 No 
Office Hour Office Hour E1 1, 3.06 5 21.01.25 21.01.25 No 
Office Hour Office Hour E1 1, 3.06 5 28.01.25 28.01.25 No 
Office Hour Office Hour E1 1, 3.06 5 04.02.25 04.02.25 No 
Games II: Learning Lecture Günter-Hotz-Hörsaal 20.01.25 20.01.25 No 
Trusted AI: Action Policies Lecture Günter-Hotz-Hörsaal 23.01.25 23.01.25 No 
Demo: Getting Started with C++ Demo E1 3, Lecture Hall 002 29.10.24 29.10.24 No 
Main Exam Exam Günter-Hotz Hörsaal 25.02.25 25.02.25 No 
Re-Exam Exam Günter-Hotz Hörsaal 18.03.25 18.03.25 No 
About this Course, Introduction Lecture E1 3, Lecture Hall 002 17.10.24 17.10.24 No 
Start of Tutorials Tutorials 04.11.24 N/A Yes 
No tutorials Tutorials 23.12.24 N/A Yes 
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