
First Exam Results

Written on 17.02.2021 09:28 by Rebecca Eifler

Dear students,

we just published the results of the first exam. This is the grading scheme:

1.0: 98   ≤   points
1.3: 93   ≤   points   <   98
1.7: 87   ≤   points   <   93
2.0: 82   ≤   points   <   87
2.3: 77   ≤   points   <   82
2.7: 71   ≤   points   <   77
3.0: 66   ≤   points   <   71
3.3: 61   ≤   points   <   66
3.7: 55   ≤   points   <   61
4.0: 50   ≤   points   <   55

We will publish the date of the exam inspection soon.

Best regards,

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