
Exam Solution Updated and Exam Inspection

Written on 24.08.2020 19:35 by Martina Maggio

Hi all, I am currently correcting the exams. A couple of updates:

  1. Contrary to what I though beforehand, many of you attempted to solve the bonus exercise 6. Therefore, I updated the exam solution in the materials section, to include the solution of the bonus exercise (which was more difficult than many of you envisioned).
  2. I plan to provide you with exam results here on CMS either tomorrow August 25th or on Wednesday August 26th. 
  3. If you want to inspect your exam, we will do this on zoom. You have to send me an email and book a time. I will then generate a scan of your exam (and of my correction) and we can go through the exercises one by one. Please wait until the results are posted to send me an email saying that you want to inspect your exam.
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